Conceived as the climax of our philosophy : exploring the interactions between paper and digital, our seventh publication is built upon the technique of CSS-Print, allowing us to code a book or to print a website. A secret tool that reconciles the paper and the screen in order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web in a very special way. OP007: Print-it, let’s discover the Internet! gives the reader the opportunity to become an actor in the making of this publication, by printing and binding his own magazine with the help of a kit and a user’s manual directly from a web page. Full of digital world references both formally and fundamentally, while having fun with the use of youth press codes, this Unidentified Coded Object printed at home offers a unique experience at the crossroads of knowledges. Snap-it, the typeface designed for this publication is open source, download it here and view the web specimen here.