While “Print-It, let’s discover the Internet! “, published in March 2019, offered a fanzine about Internet culture and techniques,” Print-It, surprise! “, its sequel, invites the readers to take part in the creation of a procedurally generated fanzine.
In this extension of our research on CSS Print, the user is invited to have a conversation about the integration of the World Wide Web into human life. According to his answers, the computer draws from its database, chooses and alters a picture forming the Internet portrait, which is then printed from web code. The contributor can then leave with a copy of his portrait, while we add it to the layout of the final edition containing all of the generated pages.
During this new adventure into the iconographic world of the web, our new associate Crippy will be the captain as well as the guide for the computer’s emancipation within IRL society. Studying his conclusions will allow us to confront the free will of machines and the unique personality of each human being ; incorporate some randomness into the automated management of digital worlds ; question the progression of dehumanization in artificial intelligence projects and transhuman computerization.
“Print-It, Surprise! “ was conceived during the summer of 2021 and produced on September 10, 11 and 12 during the 6th edition of Multiple Art Days, at the Fiminco Foundation.